Do you have kilograms of sample to purify? Join us to quickly learn how to run our RediSep® 7.0 kg Silica and 8.6 kg C18 columns.

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Thursday, June 1, 2023
Problem: You need hundreds of grams, or even kilograms, of sample. Solution: RediSep large columns will help you reach your goals! These columns are useful for:
- kilogram purification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs),
- initial purification of crude extracts from natural products,
- production of dyes for probes, conjugation, and lateral flow applications,
- purification of initial compounds for multiple-step synthesis.
Showing both reverse and normal phase separations, during this 45-minute webinar plus interactive Q&A, hosted by Teledyne ISCO application chemist and chromatography expert Jack Silver, you will learn
- how to develop methods for large columns,
- how to scale-up from smaller purifications,
- how to estimate how much can be loaded on a column,
- how to load samples,
- how to use these columns on systems not made by Teledyne ISCO.
This webinar is for novice through advanced users. To join us, just choose the time most convenient for you. We’ll see you then!