Webinar - How municipalities are using powerful, cloud-based software to make intelligent, data-based decisions for wastewater collection systems

​​Cloud-based software, such as Teledyne ISCO’s Flowlink® Cipher, makes pretreatment and collection system monitoring easy for municipalities. Combining multiple software packages into one to produce reports for billing and analyzing collection system flow data is a real time-saver. Gain remote access to collected data for multiple parties for a much more efficient way to monitor your systems. The benefits of cloud-based software are many. To name just a few:

  • Save money: No hardware ownership, server maintenance, software installation or database management
  • Save time: Easy access to quickly discernable data, anywhere, anytime, via the internet
  • Save headaches: Seamless updates and the latest enhancements, with no data loss or hacking risk
  • Save relationships: One cloud-based software for all customers and data analysis personnel, making training easy and consistent for all parties

Join us for this 45-minute webinar plus interactive Q&A hosted by Rick Dey, Teledyne ISCO’s flowmeter product specialist. See for yourself how cloud-based monitoring can save you time, money and more. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your actual application needs with an expert.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Register now for one of these sessions:

10/26/2022 12:00 AM
10/26/2022 11:00 PM